Emergency lighting and exit signs are a requirement in all commercial buildings. There are many factors that should be considered when developing a plan for emergency lighting and exit signs.
Everyone’s safety is essential when a power outage occurs. Exit signs must be in an area that highlights an unobstructed exit from the building. Emergency lighting in stairwells and hallways provides illumination that shows the way out of the building, which can reduce stress levels and injuries.
Many companies today are choosing self-powered tritium or photoluminescent signs for their emergency lighting. They are electricity free lights that are superior to incandescent, compact fluorescent, and LED signs in terms of cost and durability. The reason companies are replacing electric signage is evacuation safety, cost savings, and environmental impact.
Evacuation Safety
Electrical signs are undependable during emergencies for two reasons: their backup batteries could fail, and they have breakable parts. Explosions, falling debris, and structural shock could cause electrical signage to fail. Conversely, signs powered by tritium capsules and photoluminescent material can withstand explosions, falling debris, and structural shock. Because tritium capsules contain a radioactive material that could possibly rupture, photoluminescent signs are the best self-powered lighting solution in terms of overall safety.
Cost Savings
Electric signs can cost thousands of dollars in electricity and maintenance over their lifetime, while self-luminous signs cost nothing to operate. The radioactive capsules that power tritium signs require a disposal fee for each sign. This fee can be waived if you agree to buy more tritium signs. Conversely, photoluminescent signs can be placed in a recycling bin. The cost savings for replacing incandescent signs with self-powered signs can be in the thousands each year.
Environmental Impact
Because they use no electricity, tritium and photoluminescent signage do not promote carbon emission. However, tritium signage poses a different problem: it contains radioactive material that could end up in a landfill. Green companies always choose photoluminescent signage over tritium signage.
Call Fire Control Systems today to learn more about how tritium and photoluminescent signage can benefit your building.